I'm back and looking for inspiration in the thrift stores again. After my hiatus from thrifting, I have noticed that their popularity has pushed up the prices a tad and require frequent trips to snatch up the good stuff. Even my favorite spots in the suburbian nooks and crannies that I thought I had to myself, the local residents, and die hard hippies seem to be rummaged through every time I go. The last trip I made this week, I found a mix of accessories. I'm also in the middle of configuring a way to store and display my shoes for effective dressing. yay!!!

Salvation Army cloissonne stud earrings. Call me fiscally conservative or cheap...but I think I overpaid for them @ $2, but they were eerily similar to the style of cloissonne studs I buy sometimes from etsy.

Mugs, bookshelf, bracelets - Salvation Army
I had to get the mugs because they're going to jazz up the sea foam green theme I had in a vision and they were too cool eventhough they only hold 9 oz. I usually drink 9 ozs. in my sleep and 16 oz of anything ..is usually my minimum but these mugs were too cute and perfect for hot chocolate.

My $2.00 lamp from Goodwill. Don't know the plans for it yet, but wait................
Here is the bookcase that I bought from Salvation. I've started the sanding phase and am planning to paint it a light sea foamish green............................................................................with teal undertones, of course.

Wicker Bangle from Salvation Had to get it even though it was a tad bit big, I can def. mix it with some brass bangles that I already have that fit a bit tighter.

Silk scarf (Salvation) - Keeps my hair from being brittle and unruly.

Even though this seat-slash-storage bin is more lime than sea foam, I'm going to proceed and see how it goes. The beauty of buying second-hand!
Sidenote that has nothin' to do with this post:
So I'm in line with the new Essence magazine with the actress Angela Bassett on it, trying to find the horoscopes in the back of the mag. They have Angela Basset on the cover @ least once a year but she is looking mightily fierce this month. So the checkout guy at the Target is feeling tre' chatty and says that he thinks Angie looks kinda good on the cover despite her age AND despite the fact that he doesn't think she looks all that great at other times. I say "Hey. What if Angela Basset was my momma in real life. How you goin' to say she not pretty." My reaction was VERY instinctual as I have always loved Angela Bassett. She's just BAD! And doesn't take "being BAD" lightly in dress, how she carries herself, and her profession. I just wish she could get some acting roles that fit her skill set. Way to go tangent! Anyway, apparently Target checkout guy thinks I'm funny, cause he was still laughing as I walked away. I looked back at him thinking that wasn't that funny homie, but you have a goodnite.
Count of folx that think I'm funny: I think I'm funny, my momma thinks I'm funny(she's corny though), sometimes my brother(+insert 15 cool points), and some random people at work, and now Target checkout guy!