EVERY shoe has a story. Forreal. I don't know how else to say it. I think Im a shoe hoarder. Those are the only things that I can't get rid of. I almost feel like a funky shoe can take you to the end of the earth. EVEN these:

But I'm saying though. These are CLASSIC Go Max circa '05, '04.
So my homie told be there is a 0% chance she can guarantee that she can act like she knows me if I wear these in public. That's ok. Really, its ok. If you're familiar with the brand Go Max evidently this is a brand you can ONLY find at stores like Mar-Shalls, Wear De Amiclub, Lovemyshoes.com(no way I could jooj that name), and Zapatos De Barefeet. I don't care. In 2010, Im convinced I can somehow redo these boots to make them into somethin that they arent............or used to be. Hrmnnnnnnn. Homegirl is goin to be like "WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE? I want some." ........Too LATE! Watch. I refuse to give these away.

These are not dolce vitas perpetrating on top that dolce vita box. More like Antonio de Mikael a.k.a. michael antonio. ANYWAY. As cute and comfy as these look they are soooooooooo not. I toook these to Miami two years ago as my comfy shoes. NOT! My pinkie toe has not been the same off these shoes. They look harmless but I feel like I've been lied to. This post is to remind me that I need to buy some pinkie toe cushions for these. Still cute but so not comfy.

I don't unnastand. My pinkie toe and my ankles and flats don't mix. What the entire freak. These are some orange All Black flats that are more recent. My achillies bones are still traumatized. I remember walking in the direction of the bus with these.(somethin' people in Chicago do when the bus decides not to come on schedule.) and I had to stop at a CVS and buy some offbrand band aids so I could catch my dam bus. I. Was. Bleeding. People. I don't think I've tried to catch the bus since. Tryin to be conducive to the earth and shit, humph, no ma'am, not again. Hoity toity ass All Black brand ass shoes. Don't trip, I did get them on Clearance. They are too cute too. Im actually waiting for a special occasion where I have to wear some that are SO uncomforable that these are a relief.

AWWW! Last time I wore these were in 2007 to a friend's wedding. Its a picture of me in these somewhere in the stratosphere. Anyway, I was heavier when I was TWERKING them so aint. no. way. in hell. these are going to the Goodwill now. What I look like? I'm waiting for one of my friends to have a birthday and its bout to be on and POPPIN (c)

These are some joints I got in brazil in 2002. Two thousand and Two! I dont even like slingbacks but these are too cool. They even have rain spots on 'em. Nostalgic. I think I might redo these though. add some spikes and straps or somethin. Sadly, I have a real emotional connection with these. Sorry Goodwill.
These are from a line called Os Pés Descalços a.k.a Barefeet Shoes. Sounds so much sexier in Portuguese. I went to see Buju Banton's last show in Chicago before the 'incident' in these Oh. Em. Gee. The absolutely last time he was in Chicago before he got locked up for his current situation, I wore these. I felt like I was walking on bovine gristle. Really. They hurted me so bad. Me and the big homie had to take a cab for a two block walk. I kid you not. My girl was sick with something that seemed like pneumonia and my feet hurt like I had been rollerskating barefoot on concrete. He put on the best show ever and it was free. That was 3 or 4 years ago. Ive tried wearing these with inserts since then and yeah, they still hurt like hell. But they are still going to be mine forever. I got ideas to freak these out too.
My pinkie toes be disrespecting these shoes, but I'mma wear these and very WELL. watch me. watch. I'm on that Kanye.
KurtmuthafrigginGeiger. Simple but orgasmic worthy. Do you see all this velvet? I'm in love.
Carvela Anisha. Regular ass slingbacks but do you see this tomfoolery on the heel area. Its because of these that I can't wait to get married. I think Imma have my ceremony in the bedroom..
My momma got these Tano joints at the resale spot. Somehow I ganked them as I usually do. hehehe. They are currently sitting in my leather repair pile waiting to get resoled. I wore these to pieces, literally. I think a piece of the heel sole is in my car. I wore these EVERYwhere last winter and fall. Cognac is good for shoes. For drinks? I don't do brown liquor.
Via Spiga put their foot in these boots. They are in the "Fix me cause I'm leather" pile. Patent leather with holes at the bottom. I'm so sad about these it not even funny. Really. If the shoe man cant fix these, Im........I dont know. I try not to think about it.b I should wear them this summer since snow compromises the condition of the situation of my favorite boots. Do you see the suede at the top? I wore these 6 months straight. They go with everything and my heart will be broken if they arent fixable.