Yeah. So I did my first thrift store alteration......myself. woo. hoo. It was literally the 5th or 6th time I'd used a sewing machine in my life. But I have GOT to edit all the pieces I got from the thrift store asap and this is a simple task.......... I'm not allowed to go thrifting again until I fix whatever malfunctions exist in the clothes that I've bought. This dress reminds me of a box of Crayolas that got left in the sun too long and then some little boy came along and decided to do some Van Gogh finger paint. But shoo no wha? I heard violins and harps when I saw it. Imma take a better pic when i can get the bust area together. lol Even though it looked like an 80's secretary's dress it still had potential because the color is so vivid. It sorta looked like this one before:
From Tiger Vintage Etsy Shop
Firstly, it was entirely too long and just swallowed me up I shortened the hem a great deal. Maybe a lil too much, but it was hitting the top of my ankles. not cute. Also, it was a tad bit blousy at the top for the style of the dress. So I tightened the seams at the side. Now it won't button. Booooooo! But Imma go back and loosen it for buttoning purposes. lol. I'm almost there. I love how the sleeves are blousy and the top is SNATCHED and fitted now....a little too snatched. HA! Unfortunately I didn't take before pics. I forget the important shit sometimes.
oh yeah. Shoes. I was thinking some boots but enh. These would def. would be an option:
All Black Just Bootie